VHF/SRC mars 2023

Alandia launches a new breed of "imaginative" marketing: create a scoop by bashing a good product - to sell more insurance

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5. Reply to Replies to Reflections
Av Myran 2014-03-10 22:05

I agree with Marc Landtblom, I should have used "Dark blue water" !

Lennart Myrhammar
4. Replies to Reflections
Av Marc Landtblom 2014-03-08 15:03

I do not agree with Lennart Myrhammar that boaters 20 years ago not crossed the blue water. Light Blue water has for me since my childhood in the 60's always been sealable, but not dark blue. It's very important to make a difference between these colours...

I agree on that humans believe strongly in electronic information and that makes it even more important to put major / hazardous information correctly in the database.

The chart provider can not disclaiming themselves by saying that the information is there, but it is displayed correctly and safe only when more zoom is used, otherwise it displays wrong and hazardous.

I am very concerned that the Navionics charts are still incorrect when I watch the plotters at the fair Allt för sjön yesterday. Do Navionics take this problem seriously Mr Carnevali?

Marc Landtblom
3. Reflections
Av Myran 2014-03-07 15:21

Dear Sir Giuseppe Carnevali.
There are 2 fundamental problems here. The first is to get acceptans for the fact that the GPS-reciever is a historybook and totally BLIND. The other is that the more adecvate the info become the more risks are taken. 20 years ago everybody kept away from "blue water" except for "landing and take off". NOBODY would those days even dare to think about to go where they go 20 knots + today.
These are some facts to be considered. According to me I found the critic against Navionics not fair of which I have paid attention to both your H-C Grande and Janke Sundberg @ Alandia as maybe a small comfort to you.
Best regards / Lennart Myrhammar Stockholm
2. Navionics misunderstand the problem!!!
Av Marc Landtblom 2014-03-06 12:07

Giuseppe Carnevali, you probably have not understood the main problem.

I think Navionics has deficiencies in work processes that make certain reefs shallower than 3 m are displayed incorrectly (3-6 m) and other on the same screen at the same scale are display correctly (0-3 m). The same problem exists with beacons, some appear and others do not.

I think it’s ridiculous of you and Navionics to claim that Alandia just want to market themselves, and yet if it you are right, it's actually a real problem Alandia found in Navionics cartography.

Marc Landtblom
1. But still...
Av /Anders Stegen Stockholm 2014-03-06 12:04

But still after all the text above; The basic problem with Navionics equipment, that sets it apart from the other equipment tested, is that it surprisingly removes important information in certain zoom scales. Not in a consistent manner, more like some warnings has been placed in the wrong zoom layer.

It is very good to hear that Navionics offered a prototype error free equipment to the testers, but for Alandias customer it is more important to know how their already purchased equipment behaves. I think.